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Print Design Guidelines

Just because we are in the digital age doesn't mean we shouldn't care about spreading the word about your cause through print. Here are the university's print branding guidelines:

Guidelines for Designing Event Materials, Posters, and Signage Using Templates

Adherence to Brand Guidelines

  • Before using any provided template, review the University of Utah's brand guidelines to ensure that your design adheres to the university's branding elements, including color palette, typography, and logo usage.

Template Selection

  • Choose the appropriate template for your event materials, posters, or signage based onthe type of content and intended audience.
  • Ensure that the selected template aligns with the overall theme and purpose of your design.
  • If a template doesn’t exist that suits your needs, reach out to University Marketing & Communications for assistance creating one.

Consistent Branding

  • Maintain a consistent visual identity across all event materials, posters, and signage. Use the approved color scheme, fonts, and logos as specified in the brand guidelines.


  • Use the designated fonts and text styles provided in the template for headings, subheadings, and body text.
  • Ensure that text is legible, and maintain appropriate font sizes for readability.

Imagery and Graphics

  • Incorporate high-quality images and graphics that complement the event's theme and message.
  • If the template includes image placeholders, replace them with relevant visuals that align with the university's image guidelines.

Content Hierarchy

  • Organize content in a clear and logical hierarchy to guide the viewer's eye through the materials or poster.
  • Prioritize important information and make it visually prominent.

Brand Logo Placement

  • Place the University of Utah logo in a prominent and unobtrusive position as specified in the template.
  • Ensure that the logo maintains the required clear space and is not distorted or altered.

Information Accuracy

  • Double-check all event details, dates, times, locations, and contact information to ensure accuracy before finalizing the design and sending out to print.

Customization Within Limits

  • While templates provide structure, feel free to customize content to suit the specific event's needs, but avoid excessive modifications that could undermine the template's design integrity.

Proofreading and Review

  • Thoroughly proofread all text and content for spelling, grammar, and factual accuracy.
  • Seek input and feedback from colleagues or team members before finalizing the design.
  • Submit final designs to the Brand Compliance form before distributing.

Printing and Production

  • If printing event materials or posters, ensure that the print quality meets the highest standards.
  • Verify that the chosen printing method and materials align with the intended purpose and longevity of the design.
  • Printing and distribution should be prioritized through University Print and Mail services before using external approved vendors.

Distribution and Display

  • Determine the distribution or display locations for event materials, posters, and signage to maximize visibility and engagement with the target audience.
  • Obtain all necessary placement approvals before displaying printed materials.

Removal and Recycling

  • Establish a plan for the removal and recycling of event materials and posters after the event to maintain campus cleanliness and sustainability.