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Logos & Marks

So many iconic logos to choose from, but which one is the right one to use? You'll find our University, college, and departmental logo usage spelled out here.

Primary Logos

These are the preferred logos for all University publications.

Primary University Logo

The primary University logo has two elements: the Block U icon and the supporting wordmark "The University of Utah." These two elements work in concert and cannot be resized, rearranged, or altered in any way.

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Horizontal University Logo

Whenever possible, use the primary University logo to create designs. In situations where the primary logo will not fit, the horizontal logo may be used.

A uNID is required to download University Brand Assets.

Download Horizontal Logo Assets

The Block U Logo

Used primarily as a design element and when the official logo won’t fit. Also directed at internal and in-state audiences already familiar with the Utah brand.

A uNID is required to download University Brand Assets.

Download Block U Logo Assets

The Block U with Utah Logo

Used for similar purposes as the Block U logo but with external and out-of-state audiences unfamiliar with the Utah brand.

A uNID is required to download University Brand Assets.

Download Block U Utah Logo Assets

Primary Logo Usage Guide

Use this guide for the primary logo in digital and print media.

Clear Space

A “clear space” should always exist around the logo to allow for maximum legibility. The clear space is equal to half the height of the Block U used in the logo for that application. No elements such as typography, other logos, or graphics should intrude into the clear space. Placing the logo too near a cut or folded edge also violates the clear space. Photos and colors can appear beneath the logo so long as the logo remains easily visible and recognizable.

Minimum Size

To ensure legibility and recognition on printed materials, the primary University logo may not appear smaller than 0.6827 inches wide or 100 pixels wide for web use. The horizontal University logo may not appear smaller than 1” wide or 150 pixels wide for web use.

Unacceptable Applications

To ensure consistency, do not alter the University’s logos or wordmarks in any way. Do not distort the logo. Do not change the color or the alignment of the type and Block U. Do not cover, fill, or add texture to the logo or Block U. The U logo should not print gray, as a screened value, or as semitransparent. The logo should not be used as a decorative border or as a background element.

Utah Logo Requests for Non-U Employees

If you do NOT have a uNID, please use this form:
University Logo Request Form

Secondary Logos

Secondary University logos are for use by colleges, divisions, departments, programs, units, and services. They have four elements: the Block U, the University Wordmark, the department signature, and the red ruled line.

Horizontal Secondary Logo

The department signature may appear in Myriad Bold in all caps or title case. The department signature may appear in gray or black.

Request a Secondary Logo

Combined Secondary Logo

Your logo may include your department or college name on the second line (along with the University wordmark).

Request a Secondary Logo

University Seal and Medallions

The University seal and medallions are for special uses and as art elements. They should not be used in place of a standard University logo.

University Seal

The University seal is reserved for official use such as diplomas, certificates of graduation from formal certificate programs, University “white paper” reports, scholarly papers, etc. In addition, the seal may be used at the president’s discretion.

Specifically, the seal should not be used on letterhead of any sort, nor on related printed materials (brochures, business cards, envelopes, mailing packets, etc.).

The seal may also be used in situations calling for a permanent identifying mark for the University, such as architectural elements produced in stone, metal, glass, or other permanent materials.

University Medallion

The University medallion serves as an alternative to the University seal and may be used in print or on the Web. The medallion may be used as a design element. It may be cropped, tilted, screened, embossed, or foil stamped. The medallion should only be printed in approved primary brand colors. The medallion is an art element only and should not be used for official documents. The medallion should not be used in place of a standard University logo.

A uNID is required to download University Brand Assets.

Download Medallion Assets

College Medallions

College medallions can serve as art elements in lieu of the official University seal or the University medallion. College medallions must be reproduced within the University’s primary color palette, i.e. University red, black, gray, and white.

Request a College Medallion